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2022 NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop – Checklist

NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop
September 19 – 21, 2022
Minneapolis, MN

Welcome to your workshop preparation guide. By taking each of the steps below, you’ll be ready for the fall workshop.

1. Have you registered? 
2. Have you made your hotel reservations? Please reference your email invitation for the hotel room block information and phone reservation instructions – more information coming soon.
3. Virtual Business Cards (VBCs): We ask that each PI complete a VBC in order to support post-workshop communication across PIs and projects. VBCs will be added to our online repository for Current and Past PI Virtual Business Cards and Quad Charts as part of the workshop materials.

Have you created a Principal Investigator Virtual Business Card (VBC) for your award?
If not, download the VBC Template below to create your Virtual Business Card for the 2022 PI Workshop.
Once complete, attach and submit your VBC via email:

4. Have you submitted your project’s Quad Chart?
To create and submit your project card for the 2022 PI Workshop, download the Quad Chart Template.
Once complete, attach and submit your Quad Chart via email:

Questions about items on the Checklist? Please contact Quilt staff (admin at the quilt dot net).