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2015 Sumer R&E CEO Round Table – Agenda

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The Quilt 2015 Summer R&E CEO Round Table
June 30 & July 1, 2015
Dallas, Texas
North America Room

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

8:00 a.m. Breakfast – Central America Room
9:00 a.m. Welcome & Opening Comments (John Gillispie, MOREnet, Chair)
North America Room
9:10 a.m. Introductions of Participants
9:20 a.m. Welcome to Texas and Overview of LEARN (Mike Phillips)
9:40 a.m Day 1 CEO Round Table Discussion
Measuring Your Organization’s Performance

  • What are your top 2-3 goals? – come prepared to provide a brief statement of your
    organization’s top goals for this year
  • What and how to do you measure?
  • Overview of MOREnet metrics and report
10:30 a.m Refreshment Break – Central America Room
Discussion Continues
Measuring Your Organization’s Performance
Noon Lunch – Central America Room
1:00 p.m. Organizational Resources

  • Organizational structures and the office of member/client relations – come prepared
    to talk about your current org structure and have your org chart handy

Discussion Questions:

  • What is the “value-add” that your network/organization brings to its clients today?
    Is there more “value add” that you are in the process of creating in next 2-3 years?
    Share details.
  • Do you see your client base change/grow over…..
    a) next 12 months, b) next 24 months, c) next 36 months?
  • Business development updates – RT sharing new developments in partnerships
    and membership growth since we last met.
Strategic investment in communications

    • Overview of new OSHEAN web environment designed to address vertical
      membership segments
    • ROI for resources and tools – presentation of results from recent Quilt outreach
      and communications survey followed by discussion
3:00 p.m. Refreshment Break – Central America Room
3:15 p.m. CEO Round Table Discussion continues
5:00 p.m. Adjourn
5:30 p.m. Social Hour and Group Dinner at Grand Met

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

7:00 a.m. Breakfast – Central America Room
8:15 a.m. Day 2 CEO Round Table Discussion –  North America Room
What is the role of the R&E network in 5 years? Further Out?Discussion Questions:

  • Will regional networks mostly look the same in 5 years? If not, what has shifted?
  • What are the implications of these shifts for our national community of regional networks?
  • What are the implications for The Quilt?
10:15 a.m. Closing Comments & Farewell
11:00 a.m. Adjourn (Boxed Lunches Available in the Central America Room)


Meeting Registration
Registered Attendees
Draft Agenda