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2011 Quilt and StateNets Winter Member Meeting – Agenda

The Quilt & StateNets Winter Member Meeting
La Jolla Shores Hotel
February 7-9, 2011
La Jolla, CA

Monday, February 7th

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
1:00-5:00pm Individual Working Group Meetings
  • Videoconference Working Group Meeting
Aztec Room ,2nd Floor
  • Financial Focus Group (speaker phone)
Acapulco– North
1:00-2:00pm Federated ID Management Workshop
A growing number of state research and education network providers are exploring adding identity and access infrastructure to their suite of services to complement their physical networks. Their goal is to enable their members to have seamless access to community-based and commercial cloud computing and SaaS resources. This workshop will provide a glimpse into what several state network R&E providers are doing in this realm, why they are doing it and what advantages it provides for their members.
Acapulco–South George Laskaris, NJEDGE
2:00-3:30pm Quilt Board Meeting

  • 2:00-2:40 – Closed Meeting
  • 2:45-3:30 – Open Meeting – MOREnet Presentation

For this open session we have asked MOREnet to present an update on its transition from a state-funded organization to a member-funded organization and its success in retaining its members through this transition.  MOREnet will share with us the feedback it has received from its members through this process about the value received from the services MOREnet provides and the benefits of being a part of the MOREnet community.

La Jolla Room,1st Floor 


Quilt Board of Directors 

Chip Byers, MOREnet

4:00-5:30pm StateNets CEO Roundtable

  1. Attending CEO’s provide brief (10 minutes limit) update on key issues impacting StateNets organizations and states
  2. What are the highest priorities for StateNets-focused tasks we want to work on during the next 12 months? Who will do the work?
    1. Should we focus on moving our most successful working groups (such as the US Federations, Video-Conferencing, or Cloud Computing) to the next level, such as services above the network?
    2. What are the essential relationships with the Quilt that need to be more fully articulated? Is there a consensus that the membership dues proposal we agreed to at Madison, Wisconsin should be adopted?
    3. What are the important questions or concerns to put before Mike Roberts and Mark Johnson regarding the U.S. UCAN Task Force on Community Anchor Network Economic Models?
    4. New working group to help newly forming StateNets emerging from BTOP awards, organize workshops, and become a StateNets member recruitment mechanism.
    5. Other items
La Jolla Room, 1st Floor
5:30-7:30pm Welcome Reception – Hosted by CENIC La Jolla Shores Bar & Patio

Tuesday, February 8th

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
7:00-8:15am Breakfast Acapulco Corridor, 2nd Floor
7:00-8:00am Cloud Computing Working Group Breakfast Aztec Room , 2nd Floor
8:15-8:45am Welcome and Introductions Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Jim Dolgonas, Jen Leasure & Mike Petersen
8:45-9:30am Member BTOP Project Roundtable Sharing Experiences
Many of our member organization are involved in BTOP projects.  We will ask for brief and informal updates from each organization working on a BTOP project to share information and exchange best practices on BTOP project deployments.
Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Jen Leasure, The Quilt
9:30-10:00am Update on Advanced Research Network Envisioning Workshop in October 2010
Steve Corbato, as Co-Chair of the workshop steering committee, will provide an update on the discussion themes of the workshop and outline for the workshop whitepaper
Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Steve Corbato, Univ. of Utah
10:00-10:15am Break Acapulco Corridor, 2nd Floor
10:15-11:15am National Policy Update Acapulco Room,2nd Floor John Windhausen, Telepoly Consulting
11:15-12:00am Update on U.S. UCAN/Task Force

  • Mark Johnson, U.S. UCAN Update
  • Mike Roberts, Chair of the Task Force on CAN Economic Models will join us to provide an update on the scope and activities of the panel along with the opportunity for Q&A.
Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Mark JohnsonMike Roberts, CAN Economic Model Task Force
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Garden Patio, 1st Floor
1:00-2:30pm Facilitated Discussion:We are reserving this time for a group conversation regarding the impact of this new era of broadband to community anchor institutions on the R&E networks.  Examples of discussion topics are provided below.

  • What will be the impact of one-time capital grants on R&E networks
  • Times are changing…What should be regional and state network priorities over the next several years
  • How can The Quilt and StateNets Support Members
La Jolla Room,1st Floor Robert Leaver, New Commons
2:30-2:45pm Break La Jolla Patio, 1st Floor
2:45-5:00pm Facilitated Discussion Continued La Jolla Room,1st Floor Robert Leaver, New Commons
5:15-5:30pm Final Comments La Jolla Room Jen Leasure
6:00-8:00pm Group Dinner  – All Meeting Participants Welcomehttp://www.piatti.com/loca9a.html Piatti Ristorante(walking distance from hotel)

Wednesday, February 9th

Time Topic Location Presenter(s)
7:00-8:15am Breakfast Garden Patio, 1st Floor
8:15-9:00am Review discussions from yesterday afternoon – closure and next steps La Jolla Room,1st Floor Robert Leaver, New Commons
9:00-9:15am Financial Focus Group Report Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Alison Ferreira, OSHEAN
9:15-9:45am Research Support by Regional R&E Networks
In Fall 2010, Internet2’s Research Advisory Council interviewed leaders
at 31 state/regional R&E networks and Internet2 connectors on how they support researcher activities in their member institutions.  This presentation will provide a summary on findings and highlight what R&E network leaders may want to consider adopting (or avoiding).
Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Shaun Abshere, WiscNet
9:45-10:00am Break Acapulco Corridor, 2nd Floor
10:00-10:45am Presentation on Gates Foundation Research and Education Networking Report
The Gates Foundation recently undertook an effort to study regional and state R&E networks in order to better understand the missions and operations of these organizations.  Of particular interest to the Gates Foundation is the ability of R&E Networks to support the needs of public libraries across the country.  This presentation will focus on the findings of the report.
Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Karen Perry, Gates Foundation
10:45-11:45 Mobile Learning:

  • Scenes from the Mobile Campus: Classroom activities are moving to smart phones and tablet computers in surprising ways — from taking attendance, enabling location-aware field trips, or even allowing students to report whether a room is too hot or cold. A presentation from Jeff Young provides a tour of innovative experiments and the issues they raise for college IT leaders.
  • Expanding the Definition of Mobile Learning:  In a world saturated by connectivity, we frequently take for granted how often we find ourselves without access to the internet.  We will hear from a Matthew Cooper, a pioneer in mobile learning, who is working on a project which expands the definition of mobile learning and will bridge the gap between a robust online course taken at home on a PC and a stream-lined mobile course.
Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Sheri Prupis, NJEDGE, moderatorJeff Young, Chronicle of Higher EducationMatthew Cooper, Thomas Edison State College
11:45- 12:00pm Wrap-Up Meeting Adjourns Acapulco Room,2nd Floor Jen Leasure, The Quilt
1:45-4:00 pm Optional Event – San Diego Hornblower Harbor Cruise
San Diego Harbor
1066 North Harbor Drive,
San Diego, CA 92101