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The University Corporation for Internet Development (CUDI), is a non-profit civil association that manages the National Network for Education and Research (RNEI) to promote the development of our country and increase synergy among its members. CUDI was founded in April 1999 and is the body that seeks to promote the development of applications that use this network, promoting collaboration in research and education projects among its members.

In order to have telecommunications services adapted to the needs of research and higher education, in more than 130 countries, universities and scientific communities have created Internet protocol networks called “National Networks of Education and Research” (RNEI).

RNEIs are essential for a modern university , they increasingly depend on Internet protocol-based services to operate: emails, learning management systems, cloud computing, storage in independent data centers, videoconferences, distance education, information repositories and digital libraries, etc.

In order for our country to have an RNEI comparable to that of the most advanced countries, current telecommunications legislation mandates the collaboration of the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT) and the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) for the creation and sustaining an RNEI.

The construction of the NREN in Mexico was based on the willingness of the country’s leading universities to absorb, pro rata, the cost of installing and operating the network and its interconnection to high-speed university networks in the United States and Canada.

Currently the CUDI membership is made up of the main universities and research centers in the country. Additionally, they are part of the CUDI membership, companies that support research and education in the country.