Some of the greatest networking minds in the country will converge in California this February as The Quilt returns to La Jolla for its annual Winter Member Meeting. We are looking forward to this year’s in-person gathering of our national Quilt community and stakeholders to collectively advance networking and cyberinfrastructure for research and education.
We have many exciting conversations and topics planned for you this year. We also have provided ample time between sessions for working lunch meetings and other networking opportunities. View 2019 Agenda.
Highlights & Opportunities
This year’s event kicks off with in-person meetings for our Quilt working groups and CEO Round Table as well as our quarterly meeting of The Quilt Board of Directors. We’ll wrap up the day with a networking reception hosted by Quilt CIS Program Authorized Providers at the Jolla Beach and Tennis Club.
On Wednesday our general session begins highlighted by a plenary talk by Dr. David Halstead, CIO at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). His discussion on Network Enabled Radio Astronomy: Synthesis Imaging at 100 Tbps is one not to miss. We also will feature discussions on E-Rate, R&E Network Analytics, Security, and get an update on the National Broadband Policy.
We also are looking forward to hearing about the National High School Cyber Challenge. The Quilt has joined with our member, Merit Network, to offer an opportunity to all our Quilt members to engage their connected high school communities in a national R&E cyber challenge – a competition that tests students’ skills in networking, programming and operating system security. It was developed by Merit and the Michigan Cyber Range and is being offered at no cost to schools or students. Pierrette Widmeyer and Charlotte Bewersdorff from Merit will present an overview of the competition as well as facilitate a working session later in the day.
Our dynamic program wraps up its final day on Thursday with the NOAA N-Wave and RON Partner Breakfast followed by a confluence of Quilt forums and working groups as well as a round table discussion on friction-free networking for scientific research focused on cyberinfrastructure resources for researchers.
If you need further information about this year’s Winter Member Meeting, please contact Jennifer Griffin.
Social Media
Be sure to follow us @TweettheQuilt and/or follow all conversations on social media using #QuiltinSoCal.